Popular Questions

  • Delivery Was Attempted But I Was Unavailable. What Next?

    Do not worry, our courier will try to reattempt to deliver in next 2 days. In case parcel is still not delivered you can call or email us so you can submit your delivery request to the courier.

  • Does Kalkifashion.Com Offer Cash On Delivery (COD)?

    COD is available for selected locations/Pin codes in India only. COD limit is up to 21000 INR.

    Please Note - For COD orders, the style will come in standard measurements as mentioned in the size chart. Customisation is not available for COD orders.

  • Will I Receive A Quality Product By KALKI Fashion?

    As an international brand, we adhere to strict quality and design benchmarks. Every KALKI product goes through a 5 step Quality Control process to ensure that you receive the best.

  • How Does On Demand Delivery Work?

  • The Order Status Is 'Delivered' But Not Received It. What Should I Do?

    Check with your neighbor/front desk, etc. if someone accepted the package. Try to contact the courier to cross check if someone has signed the package. If no one accepted delivery email us on info@kalkifashion.com .

    Once you get the tracking details of the shipping we request you to estimate us if the product doesn't delivered within 10-15 days of the dispatched,So that we can coordinate with our logistics partner

    If there is no update about the delivery we will consider the order has been delivered,hence you cannot apply for the refund.

  • How To Track The Order Once Shipped?

    You'll receive an email with the tracking details, you can check on the courier website and track the order with the tracking number.

  • What Is The Process For Refund/Replace?

    Please follow the below process

    To return an item, send us an email at info@kalkifashion.com or reach out to us on Whatsapp.

    Share a photo showing the condition of the item with a detailed reason for Refund/Replace.

    Our Return team and our fitting experts will get in touch with you accordingly.

    A quality check is performed the day we receive the outfit back. If the outfit passes the quality check, we will issue an exchange or refund on the same source of the payment.Need any assistance email us at claims@kalkifashion.com

  • How Do I Get Refund On My Return Shipping On Paypal?

Recent Questions

  • Can I Exchange Or Return My Order?

    For Indian customers

    Exchange and returns are available for products within 48 hours of delivery. Items must be in original condition with all tags intact. Pick up in India is free.

    For international customers

    Exchange and returns are available for products within 15 days of delivery. Items must be in original condition with all tags intact.

  • Are There Any Reserve Pick-Up Charges?

    For Indian Customers:
    Pick-up is free within India.

    For US Customers:
    US - Reverse pick up charges - $49 Per Item

    Rest of the countries:
    Customers will be responsible to ship the product back to us with tracking details at info@kalkifashion.com. The customer will be liable to pay the return shipping and customs charges which are non-refundable.

  • Are There Custom Charges?

    For Indian Customers :
    Product Prices displayed are inclusive of all taxes and duties.

    For International Customers :
    We understand that for customers outside India, it's important to note that the price provided does not include duties. We genuinely care about your experience and want to ensure transparency. Please keep in mind that any additional costs such as import duties, custom fees, or local taxes are the responsibility of the customers and should be paid separately.

  • Are There Any Currency Conversion Charges?

    Please note, there are additional currency rate charges levied by your bank on your credit/debit card in case you are making the payment in INR or any other foreign currency apart from your originated currency. These charges are non-refundable.

  • Does Kalki Own Stores Outside Mumbai?

    You can find our premium collection at the below-mentioned multi-designer stores.

    KAYRA - One style mile 6-8, Kalka Das Marg, Meharauli, New-Delhi-110030, India, TEL : 9205058860
    AKILAH - 5A Dada Jungi House, Shahpurjat New Delhi-110049, India, TEL : 9818048419
    AGASHE - Agashe LLP,845, ground floor, opp. metro pillar 112,MG road, Ghitorni, New Delhi-110030, India, TEL : 09958008695 / 09650418886
    OLE COTURE - Ole couture, 1A/1, Hauz Khas village, New Delhi-110016, India, TEL : 9999436141
    ANANTAM - E-4, South extension part-2, New Delhi- 110049, India, TEL : 9310903900 / 01146575554

    MONSOON - 3/4, Parshwanath Business park, Opp. KFC, Prahladnagar, Ahmedabad-380014, India, TEL : 9033031577 / 903304157

    SURAT - 1, Avadh Arena, VIP road, Nr. Shyambaba Temple, Opp. Marvella corridoor, Vesu, Surat-395007, India, TEL : 9979931577

    ALMARI - 8-2-686/B/1, 1st floor, Above oma store, road no.12 Banjara hills, Hyderabad 500034, India, TEL : 9515943238

    CITRINE - Crownfast Vinimay Pvt ltd, Uniworth Centre,70A Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata 700017, India, TEL : 3322819728

    RAIPUR - Daga building, motibagh chowk, rajbhavan road , civil lines, TEL : 8959596710 / 8959016986

    CANADA - 2369 Ontario street, unit 5, Oakville, Ontario, L6L1A6, TEL : 416-885-6505

  • I Am Not Able To Use The Filter On Your Website.

    We suggest you try refreshing the page and then apply the filters. In case the filters are not working then please contact us on WhatsApp at +919920012474 or Email us at info@kalkifashion.com.

  • Do You Offer Video Calling For A Low Budget?

    We offer video calling/facetime for premium styles only.

  • Do You Offer A Trial Before Buying?

    Yes, we offer a trial at our Mumbai & Delhi flagship stores only.